Foreign Articles

The effects of World Trade Organization Case DS362 on Audiovisual Media Piracy in China.

Genius in a bottle: perfume, copyright, and human perception. 

Competition law and copyright misuse. 

Reconciling the “moral rights” of authors with the First Amendement right of free speech.  

The "Capricious privilege": rethinking the origins of copyright under the Tudor regime. 

Use of retained data and copyright law in Germany – The German data protection problem to fight internet piracy. 

Regulation 1383/2003: Anew step in the fight against counterfeit and pirated goods at the borders of the European Union.  

Life after Grokster: analysis of US and European approaches to file-sharing. 

Does Grokster create a new cause of action that could implicate Apple TV.  

Economic Fundamentals of the Knowledge Society.