Greek Articles

Another aspect of copyright - Protection and enforcement of copyright on plant varieties in Greece. 

Note on decision EDDA dec. of 19.2.2013, case Neij and Sunde Kolmisoppi v. Sweden Νο 40397/2012 (Exchange of files on the internet). 

The trade of cultural assets in the law of the European Union. 

The title of an intellectual work and its protection here and abroad. 

Intellectual / Industrial Property: Recent developments and international dialogue. 

The new limits of industrial and intellectual property, according to the law of the joint market. 

Copyright infringement. Citation of abstracts without the author’s permission. 

Notes to decision EfThes 3340/1998: Author’s right in intellectual products. 

L.2121/1993 on copyright as regards the protection of computer programmes and the fight against piracy. 

On copyright.